Not How You Want to Start Mornings

August 17, 2010 at 1:09 pm (Cat Toilet Training) (, , , , , )

So Phobos when he does go, usually has to pee first, and then poop right afterwards. If we’re lucky, he does this while we are home so we are able to clean up after his first deed. Then he will go on to do his other deed. You know what I’m talkin’ about.

But this morning… Read the rest of this entry »

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Caught in Action

August 3, 2010 at 10:51 pm (Cat Toilet Training) (, , , , )

So far, we hadn’t had any problems with the cats going to the washroom, not counting the “accident” next to the litter box just before we made the switch back to the LK, but that was because the box was absolutely filthy.

Deimos has always been comfortable with the LK, going when he pleases and has no major issues with the LK,  other than his positioning. I noticed a few times that he likes to go straight into the middle of the hole and in doing so, places all his paws inside the Amber stage area. I think this is okay, as he’s probably learned that pee in the toilet is ideal, and green stage I don’t think this should be a problem for him.

Unlike Deimos, Phobos usually protests and meows loudly while pacing around the house just before absolutely having to go… he typically holds it in as he seems to obviously dislike the LK. I usually have to persuade him to go, though if I am not around he will go, though only when he can’t hold it in anymore. I’ve seen that cat hold in his poop for over 24 hours… I’m not sure that’s too healthy but… I will continue to observe as we continue the training.

So far we haven’t met any surprises or accidents, though, I have a feeling we’re due for something sometime soon…

But then today… Read the rest of this entry »

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